
Monday, December 29, 2014

Coconut Milk Egg Nog

Egg nog is what my husband looks forward to most during the holidays.  I have to agree with him, however, store-bought varieties can be really frustrating to me, with all the ridiculous ingredients added to preserve, thicken, and sweeten it.

A good quality cream (preferably raw if you can find it), is what delivers the rich, creamy texture of egg nog.  Cream is also rich in healthy fats, vitamin K, and many more nutrients too, so don't shy away from it! 

So once you combine delicious cream with egg yolks, grass-fed gelatin, and coconut milk, you have yourself a creamy, nutrient-packed festive drink!

(And if you're wary about consuming raw egg yolks, please don't be!  Raw egg yolks are highly digestible and full of readily-available nutrients.  Just make sure you buy only true organic eggs from pastured hens!)


- 2 1/4 cups cream (read your ingredients, and make sure it's just cream.  And stay away from homogenized cream)
- 6-8 pastured egg yolks (I prefer using 8)
- 1/4 cup Grade-B maple syrup
- 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
- 1-2 tablespoons grass-fed gelatin
- pinch of sea salt
- nutmeg to taste (I prefer grating fresh nutmeg)


1.  Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend on medium speed for at least 1 minute.  Pour into a pitcher or container and chill in the fridge for 1 hour or more (the longer is chills, the more thick it gets).  

2. Pour into glasses, and sprinkle nutmeg on top!

3.  Enjoy!

(This is also delicious poured over some fresh fruit or berries).

Approximately 6 servings

(Adapted recipe from here)


  1. Just made this today and it is soooo good! I love your blog Becky!
