
Friday, May 3, 2013

Coconut Key Lime Tarts

After coming across this recipe, I knew that I must make these little tarts immediately.  I'm crazy about avocados and coconut oil for many reasons, and knew that it'd make these cute and healthy-fat-loaded-tarts extra tasty.  But I must say, if you're not a fan of coconut (shame on you), then these might not be the treat for you.

And hopefully you know by now that fat does not make you fat.  Healthy fats, actually helps you lose weight, in addition to feeding your brain, stabilizing blood sugar, giving you energy, and making you happy.  Avocados and coconut oil are two of the best sources of these good fats, and their list of benefits are so extensive, that I'll let you google those benefits yourself. :)

But why not treat yourself to a dessert that will not only make your mouth happy, but your body as well!


For the Filling:
- 4 avocados
- 4 tablespoons lime juice
- 1 cup organic extra virgin coconut oil
- 4 tablespoons raw honey

For the Crust:
- 1 cup almond flour
- 1 cup pitted dates
- pinch of sea salt
- pinch of cayenne


1. Blend all of the filling ingredients in a high-speed blender, or food processor, and set aside.

2. For the crust, process the dates, almond flour, salt, and cayenne in a high-speed blender or food processor until smooth(ish).

3. Grease a muffin tin with coconut oil (all 12).

4. Spoon crust mixture into muffin spots (about 2 tablespoons for each tart), and press firmly and evenly, going up the sides about half way.

5. Now spoon in filling, about 3 tablespoons for each tart, or until all filling is evenly dispersed.

6.  Chill in the freezer for 1-2 hours.  Remove from freezer, and let sit for 5 minutes before devouring.
(These would also be great topped with fresh strawberries, or raspberries)

Makes 12 tarts

Please note:  Coconut oil can have a cleansing effect on the body (which is just one great thing about this oil), and since there is a large amount of coconut oil used for this recipe, it is possible that you'll experience some sort of cleansing action taking place).

(Adapted recipe from here)

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